BRAIN-PAD Technology Video 

 The 3XS is BPI's advanced jaw-joint protector available at!

The 3XS comes in adult & junior sizes and can be purchased via or directly from BPI.

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***All BRAIN-PAD Designs: 

1) cover and protect all teeth
2) cover & protect upper & lower braces
3) position, secure & cushion the lower jaw
4) create a safety space in the vital temporal mandibular sockets
5) reduce impact energy entering the TMJ sockets & base of the skull
6) offer an ample center breathe space which allows constant augmented breathing -
- Even when clenching for balance and power!
7) custom trims and custom molds to all teeth
8) offer Free Dental Warranties(usa)
9) include antimicrobial hard shell case & tether/strap
10) All Brain-Pads are Jaw-Joint Protectors™!

" If you're going to hit and get hit - Better wear Brain-Pad® ! 


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PO Box 420

Worcester PA. 19490

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